Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 224 (Saturday) - Isaiah 19:11-24:6

In chapter 22, God judges Jerusalem. When they need God the most, they do not turn to Him. As a result, they find themselves overthrown even though they stockpiled weapons, strengthened the walls and stored up water. The people of the city failed to look to God. I guess a good question to ask is, “Who do you call on to carry you through times of trouble?”

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 223 (Friday) - Isaiah 13:17-19:10

We have now switched over to God’s judgment on the surrounding nations. The message is simple, “If God did not spare his own people, what makes you think you will escape His judgment?” Some of Israel’s greatest enemies are listed here with Babylon, Assyria, Samaria and even Egypt.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 222 (Thursday) - Isaiah 9:13-13:16

The verses surrounding chapter 9 speak of the coming of one who will be a light for the people. It is speaking of the coming messiah, Jesus. 9:1-7 tell about this child that will shatter the darkness. He will be the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 221 (Wednesday) - Isaiah 5:18-9:12

I really like the placement of Isaiah’s call in chapter 6. The first 5 chapters we have seen the serious condition of sin and God now galls Isaiah as a bridge of his love. God message is always a message of judgment and one of hope. Isaiah saw God’s majesty and once he sought God’s forgiveness, God asked for a messenger. Isaiah spoke those famous words, “Here am I, send me”.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 220 (Tuesday) - Isaiah 1:10-5:17

Now remember that Isaiah has to be put back into the history that we have already read. The events in this book happened in the 8th Century. He spoke the prophecy’s of God from the death of King Uzziah through the reign of Hezekiah. It was a span of over 50 years! These were years of great turmoil and trouble for the kingdom of Judah as you will remember.

The whole first half of the book, through chapter 35, is about God’s judgments against his people and the surrounding nations. The book is in a problem/solution format. Hold on to your seatbelts because this one is going to be a bumpy ride.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 219 (Monday) - Song 3-8; Isaiah 1:1-9

Isaiah is the first of the Prophet books that we will look at in the Old Testament. The prophets help us understand the character and promises of God. Without them, much of the New Testament would be incomprehensible. The prophetic books are not in chronological order and that can cause some confusion. Here is the list of books in their proper chronology.

  1. Obadiah
  2. Joel
  3. Jonah
  4. Amos
  5. Hosea
  6. Isaiah
  7. Micah
  8. Nahum
  9. Zephaniah
  10. Habakkuk
  11. Jeremiah
  12. Lamentations
  13. Daniel
  14. Ezekiel
  15. Haggai
  16. Zechariah

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 218 (Sunday) - Ecclesiastes 9-12; Song 1-2

Yeah! The Song of Solomon is finally here. This is the book that most Middle School kids like to read when they start reading the bible. It’s a book that will make any family blush during family devotion time.

In all seriousness, this is a wonderful book that describes the beauty and God ordained union of love between a man and woman after marriage. Sex is not a surprise to God, he created it and gave it to us to enjoy within the confines of marriage. I trust you will enjoy this book as much as the 12 year olds do!