Saturday, November 7, 2009

Day 147 (Saturday) - Job 16:11-20:11

Chapter 19 is a beautiful chapter because it states the Gospel in its purest form. Remembering that this is the oldest biblical text makes this even more amazing. Job knows that his Redeemer lives and that the day will come when he will be resurrected in a physical body to join God. Even though he may die today, he will live in bodily form with his Redeemer. Job gets that there is something much greater and meaningful than our lives and bodies here on earth. The resurrection is a real event.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Day 146 (Friday) - Job 12:13-16:10

Despair is an understatement to communicate the struggle Job is going through. He has nothing but God and knows that God is allowing this suffering to take place. It is the lowest of lows that we find clarity, purpose and truth. In chapter 13 there is a section of verses that surround verse 15 that get to the heart of Job’s lowest condition. Job is willing to open his heart to God even though he knows his life may end. Job knows that even though it is God who is allowing this, it is God and God alone that can save him.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Day 145 (Thursday) - Job 9:1-12:12

The book of Job is the oldest text in the Scriptures and I believe that chapter 10 is the most honest prayer a person can pray. Job asks all the questions we are afraid to ask out loud. There is culture in Western Christianity that says we should never get mad at God of feel real emotions about the unfair situations life throws our way. I believe that we need to be honest with these emotions if we are ever going to grow through them and find the truth about God’s love for us even in our suffering.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Day 144 (Wednesday) - Job 5:17-8:22

We need friends that will speak the truth to us. Many people get confused as to what that means. For most people, that means you have a friend that is willing to confront you and create a confrontation or conflict to share with you what they think you are doing wrong. Though this can be helpful it is not the definition of truth. Sharing truth is sharing truth, not just what you would do or think is best. Truth comes from God and the advice should always be filtered through Scripture before it is given or received as truth. Job’s friends are good friends, but their advice is not exactly truth every time.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Day 143 (Tuesday) - Job 1:1-5:16

Job can be a game ender for so many people and rightly so if their theology is too self focused. Satan is subordinate to God, even in his evil. God gives Satan permission to do his evil. God brought Job to Satan’s attention and God used it to prove to Satan that his power was limited. Earth is temporary and life on earth is temporary. Our suffering here is preparatory for our eternal existence without suffering. God does allow suffering but many people see this as contradictory with love. Just the opposite is true; sacrifice and suffering are the only ways evil gets defeated. Is all this unfair for Job? The answer is yes, on a human level, but the answer is no when you realize the privilege God gave job to defeat evil with his love. So many people think Christianity is a shelter from suffering and God is their big buddy. Christianity is joining Christ in his great suffering. Welcome aboard!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Day 142 (Monday) - Esther 5-10

Don’t mess with Esther! My grandmother’s name was Esther but I don’t remember her quite like this. There are a couple of interesting facts in this book, first is the fact that there is no mention of God in this book at all. Some do not think it should have been included in the Bible as a result, but I think that is ridiculous. The second thing I noticed is that there were a lot of people impaled on poles. Again, the acceptance of killing, not only men but women and children, seems to be so culturally acceptable. If you cross anyone in the Old Testament, you could too easily end up on a pole!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day 141 (Sunday) - Nehemiah 13:23-31; Esther 1-4

I do enjoy the thought that God has placed us at a specific place at a specific time for some specific task. Some people believe life is very random and others think God has a real plan laid out for each person. I am one who sees God as very involved in the daily events of our lives and continues to orchestrate events that force us to usher in or reject the kingdom. I love Mordecai’s advice for Esther. He tells her that if she doesn’t help, God will have someone else do it. In other words, she will miss out on ushering in the Kingdom. Mordecai seems convinced that Ester was put in this place at this time for just this purpose. How about you?