Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day 84 (Saturday) - 1 Samuel 9:11-12:18

Why would God give Israel a king? If God was to be their king, why would he give them the desires of their hearts for a human king? I believe it is another example of allowing the people to choose who they will serve. God has always been the kind of God that allows his people to choose. He doesn’t force us to choose him, he allows us to choose. Saul is not God’s choice, but the people’s choice and it’s going to get pretty rough on them in the near future. Mel Brooks said “It’s good to be the king”, but I’m not so sure!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Day 83 (Friday) - 1 Samuel 5:1-9:10

It seems like no one wants the Ark. There seems to be a desire to have the Ark if they can wield its power, but when God’s power is unbridled and does not fit into the selfish plans of the tenants, the Ark is not wanted. Have you noticed a respect theme in the Old Testament? God wants respect and he demands it from his people. Disrespect=death. I wonder what God thinks of our Christian culture; the making of religious junk (trinkets) like fish for our cars, koozies and clever t-shirts for profit and the building of expensive churches for the comfort and enjoyment of the attendees. God is the same God today as he was in 1 Samuel. His character does not change. He is a jealous God and I’m afraid we are giving him much to be jealous of.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day 82 (Thursday) - 1 Samuel 2-4

The Ark is gone! Remember that God does not live nor is he bound by the location and whereabouts of the Ark. The Ark represents god’s presence with the people and now that it is gone, God’s presence and protection has lifted. It is strange that Eli would not discipline his sons and allow God’s judgment to fall upon the people out of blatant disobedience. I don’t mean to over spiritualize this story, but I see this more in today’s culture than I’ve ever read or heard about in previous generations. Parents have stepped aside and allowed their children to do what they wish instead of the hard work of protecting, boundaries and discipline. Parents are more concerned with their kids liking them than they are in raising them right. It’s a tough time to raise kids and a tough time to be a kid. Buck the culture and be a great parent, aunt or uncle or Grandparent…the kids in your life need guidance to not be like Hophni and Phinehas!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Day 81 (Wednesday) - Ruth 2:14-4:22; 1 Samuel 1

Virtue! Virtue! It is about time. After going through, judges, Ruth is like a vacation you long for. A great story, filled with virtuous people and actions. One of the main themes I see in Ruth is that Naomi, Ruth, Boaz and the other male relative, did the right thing because it was the right thing to do. It might not have been easy, but it was the right thing to do. This is a hard way to live life, but I do believe it is the best way. It is hard to do the right thing all the time, especially when no one will know if you have been doing the right thing. The truth is, blessings come when we do the right thing and the Kingdom of God is realized and lived out.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Day 80 (Tuesday) - Judges 20:12-21:25; Ruth 1:1-2:13

You have no idea how happy I am to be done with judges. The final story of civil war makes my stomach turn. What a stupid people. They make rash vows and box themselves unnecessarily into a corner that causes more pain and difficulty for the people. Killing is a way of life for these people and they are just as willing to kill their brothers and sisters as they are the inhabitants of the land. To then feel sorry for them seems to be ridiculous. The close of the book has Israel telling the remaining of Benjamin to steal their women for wives so they could keep their oath.

I don’t know why God puts up with us. I’m detached from these people and I’m irritated with them. God’s patience is tremendous! I am so thankful for his patience with me. I don’t deserve it, but I need it daily.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Day 79 (Monday) - Judges 17:1-20:11

I’m not sure my moral compass can discern who is more right and who is more wrong. Can you imagine being that man’s wife/concubine? “No, don’t rape these men I just met, take her!” Then they shove her out the door. To me, the blood is on both of their hands. I am frustrated with the passages that treat women like property. I have to remember, just like with Jephthah, just because the text does not always say something is wrong, does not mean we are to read that it is right. I think it’s good that this act united the tribes but you think someone might have asked, “Soooo, how exactly did this take place?”

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Day 78 (Sunday) - Judges 14-16

Samson has to be one of the top ten strangest persons in Scripture. He also has bad tastes in women. It seems he is so interested in their looks that he doesn’t care that they are nagzillas (Pastor Ben’s word). I mean seriously, Delilah and the bow strings, new ropes, hair weaving, did he really think it was beneficial to tell her anything. It’s his own fault for getting involved with some nasty ladies. I especially find it ironic that he kills 30 people to pay back his debt. Honestly, I don’t like Samson; he’s a bit of loser in my book.