Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 203 (Saturday) – Psalms 138:4-140:13

I love the intimacy of God in Psalm 139. God knows me. He made me and assembled me into who I am. I am not just one of many, I am unique and I was created. I have purpose and meaning. There is a reason God created me the way he did, the time he did and in the place he did. I need to know that God knows me like this. I am special…as corny as that sounds!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Day 202 (Friday) - Psalms 135:15-138:3

Psalm 136 seems to be written in a response format. The worship leader reads the first line and the congregation replies with “His faithful love endures forever”. 26 times the people repeat this phrase and 26 times the people remember that God is faithful. How many times do you remind yourself throughout the day that God is faithful to you? It might not be such a bad practice to get into.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Day 201 (Thursday) - Psalms 132:1-135:14

It is true, as it says it Psalm 133, that harmony is precious. To have harmony is to be living in the reality of the Kingdom. Christians have a reputation for disharmony. We fight over doctrine, music, programs, money and even the color of carpet. They (the world) is to know we are Christians by our love. I pray for harmony between followers of Christ because our reputation has taken a big hit.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Day 199 (Tuesday) - Psalms 119:161-124:8

Psalm 120-134 are Pilgrim songs. They were to be sung by Jews that were returning to Jerusalem and by the priests as they walked the steps of the Temple. They are still sung as a regular part of worship in many orthodox denominations. We sing these Psalms in various worship songs like this one; “I Lift My Eyes Up”

Monday, December 28, 2009

Day 198 (Monday) - Psalms 119:97-160

Back on December 13th, I gave a message on the Word of God. The Word is Jesus. In Psalm 199:105 so many people see this passage as talking about the pages of Scripture but it isn’t. The Word is Jesus as it relates to Wisdom and the light is the Law of God. Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s Law and is the one who guides us into this truth.

Psalm 119:105 PDT (Pastor Doug’s Translation)
Jesus is a guide for my journey through life
His example and commands show me the way

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Day 197 (Sunday) - Psalms 119:41-96

There seems to be some tension between freedom and sin in this psalm. I find it interesting that to cover sin I like to justify it as freedom. I am comfortable to not conform to the teaching of Jesus to care for others if I can justify that I’m no worse off than the rest of my culture. As long as I’m not as bad as others, I’m comfortable to disobey God. I need to cling more to the words in Psalm 119:61 Evil people try to drag me into sin, but I am firmly anchored to your instructions.