I can still remember sitting in a small Sunday School class room at the EV Free church of Fresno, now called The Bridge (still EV Free). This was the church that shaped my knowledge of the Scriptures and my understanding of what it meant to be a follower of Christ. Pastor Rick Yohn preached every Sunday and I have great memories of EV Free. In that small classroom, I remember 1 Kings 17 being taught. I could picture that jar of flower and oil as if I was really there. Years later, during a period of time when I had walked away from God, like all these kings did, I was in need. I remembered this story and it prompted me to search the Bible to find it, as I could not remember the reference.
I had a blast last Christmas when I got to teach on this passage in our Christmas series on 12/7/08. I hope you enjoyed this passage as much as I did those many years ago.