Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 7 (Saturday) - Genesis 21:22-24:27

“God tested Abraham’s faith” Much like Abraham, when God calls me I say, Yes Lord, here I am.” But the next thing is the determinant as to whether or not I pass the test. I’m not always prepared for a test and the request seems too difficult. Can you imagine God asking Abraham to take his son, his only son and sacrifice him? The request has a lot of imagery to the redemptive work God did for us through Christ. I guess God never asks us to go places he has never been or is unwilling to go himself.

Just last night, Jenny and I were sitting out on the back porch, looking at the sky trun from blue to night. We talked about our dreams and hope for life and the future. We are so blessed. We talked about sacrifices we could make and some of them seemed really tough…like cutting out TV for the next 8 weeks! But something happens in sacrifice, something mysterious.

Yes Lord, I am here!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Day 6 (Friday) - Genesis 18:9-21:21

What an amazing set of verses. Three strange visitors, one is called the Lord, and some see Jesus in that third person. Prophecy is given and an old woman becomes pregnant. Abraham wants to save Sodom, but its sins are too great. Abraham continues to seek mans ways of having a child and makes a mess with Hagar and the illegitimate son Ishmael. Abraham lies to protect his interests by deceiving Abimelech.

I have been on Abraham’s path way too many times. I try to work out God’s plan my way, especially when God’s way requires a miracle or huge step of faith. I like to see the path, know the destination and be prepared for the obstacles along the way. In God’s plan it rarely goes that way. The good news it that even though I miss out on the blessings God has for me, his plan is never derailed by my lethargy to his calling. Maybe I can learn from Abraham and have the faith God needs me to have.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Day 5 (Thursday) - Genesis 14:14-18:8

Sorry, it looks like I read too far yesterday and bloged about a section of verses we didn’t even read! Yesterdays post should have been for today…oops.

Anyway, I know we are reading chapter 15 today and I love this story. During my education days, I wrote a couple of papers on it and I’ve taught on it twice in the past 6 years. I love the covenant story of passing through the disemboweled animal carcass and the significance of what God is saying by it. When ever two people made a covenant like this (this was not strictly a God thing) you were stating that you agreed to have done to you what was done to these animals if you broke the covenant. Walking through those “parts” must have been very sobering. God will never break his covenant with us!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 4 (Wednesday) - Genesis 11:10-14:13

I love this character, Melchizedek. He is shrouded with mystery. The king from Salem that is not a part of Abram and God’s people group, somehow knows God and is a priest! Not only does he know God, but as a priest of God’s he blesses Abram. Some see Jesus in this priest. It’s a cool thought to think that Abram met the incarnate Jesus on the road.

Jesus has shown up in some of the strangest places in my life, times when I felt so alone and times when I needed encouragement. This priest, Melchizedek never died, I don’t know what to think about that but I guess I can say that I have benefited from this priestly ministry in my own life.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day 3 (Tuesday) - Genesis 8:1-11:9

Sorry about this video but I just couldn't resist!

I know, I know, it's another great example of Christianity totally embarrassing itself. I have to laugh at this stuff. You can find this one on You Tube as well. Hope it put a little smile on your face. You'll probably find yourself singing it as well...sorry about that!

On with the text for today...

According to the text, the pre-flood diet might have been a vegetarian diet for it is not until after the flood that God gives humanity the animals to eat. I think I’ll celebrate tonight with a big juicy steak!

Did you notice that it was just over a full year that Noah and his family stayed in that boat! I’ve never really understood why Noah did that whole drinking/naked thing. Obviously a test for the kids, but it is weird. Also, for those that say biblical wine was so diluted that it didn’t get people drunk…Noah has something to say about that!

Another genealogy…these sections are tough.

God seems to be saying from the tower of Babel story that we would have advanced much quicker if we could talk the same language. I wonder what life would be like today if we all spoke the same language.

It looks like we get to start tomorrow with another…you guessed it…genealogy!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Day 2 (Monday) - Genesis 4-7

Cain and Abel don't get along and it gives me hope when it comes to my kids. In the book of genesis, east refers to a direction away from God and his protection and care. So it's no wonder God sent Cain east. Have you ever wondered about this town Cain went to? Was it already there or did he build it? Genesis has a lot of tough questions, but one thing is for sure...when I disobey God I always find myself east of him. How about you?

Now comes the flood. Step one in the redemptive work, It's amazing how bad off humanity can get in just 7 short chapters.

Did you make it through all the names in chapter 5! Did you notice in verse 24 that Enoch disappeared? You never know what cool stuff will pop up in the genealogies.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day 1 (Sunday) - Genesis 1-3

Day one actually started yesterday as it was the first day of the challenge to read through the Bible in a year. I love Genesis 1-3 as it lays out the creation story and the fall of man. This is a huge part of the scriptures that will springboard the beginning of God's redemptive plan. A lot can happen in three chapters.

I like the 6 days of creation and the discussion of them being 24 hour days or millennia

I like the crazy order of stuff like day coming before sun (how is that possible) or plants before sun. It's all so cool.

What did you like or what did it make you think of?