Sorry about this video but I just couldn't resist!
I know, I know, it's another great example of Christianity totally embarrassing itself. I have to laugh at this stuff. You can find this one on You Tube as well. Hope it put a little smile on your face. You'll probably find yourself singing it as well...sorry about that!
On with the text for today...
According to the text, the
pre-flood diet might have been a vegetarian diet for it is not until after the flood that God gives humanity the animals to eat. I think I’ll celebrate tonight with a big juicy steak!
Did you notice that it was just over a full year that Noah and his family stayed in that boat! I’
ve never really understood why Noah did that whole drinking/naked thing. Obviously a test for the kids, but it is weird. Also, for those that say biblical wine was so diluted that it
didn’t get people drunk…Noah has something to say about that!
Another genealogy…these sections are tough.
God seems to be saying from the tower of Babel story that we would have advanced much quicker if we could talk the same language. I wonder what life would be like today if we all spoke the same language.
It looks like we get to start tomorrow with another…you guessed it…genealogy!