Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 259 (Saturday) – Ezekiel 28:11-31:18

God had business to do with Egypt because Egypt came to the aid of Judah. God used Babylon to defeat Egypt at home and take her wealth but the final blow would come from God when Egypt would be taken into exile with Judah.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Day 258 (Friday) - Ezekiel 25:1-28:10

It is not just the people of Israel that God notices. He also notices the surrounding nations and their sin as well. And it’s not just people groups but individuals he notices. I find it fascinating that God calls out the King of Tyre and his issues with pride. The king is so prideful he believes that he is a god. As a result, his death would be ‘custom” made just for him.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 257 (Thursday) - Ezekiel 22:13-24:27

Are you a little red in the face after reading chapter 23? Seriously, I don’t know why this book doesn’t get more attention. You can’t make this stuff up! It’s steamier than a daytime soap! Now let me bring you mind back to the reality that this is how God feels about his people. I can’t imagine how I would feel if I were married to one of these sisters or if they were one of my daughters. What grief God must feel when we follow other gods and fulfill our lusts with the things of this world.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 256 (Wednesday) - Ezekiel 20:18-22:12

These next few chapters outline the sin of Israel. From the exile in Egypt to the current condition, God has always been there for the people but the people continue to turn from God. We would be foolish to think this pattern is over…it can’t be. Where are we in the history of God’s people? If a book of the bible were focused on your life, how would it read? This is not just something for these people long ago, it is for us today.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 255 (Tuesday) - Ezekiel 16:44-20:17

Chapter 18 is a powerful chapter but it is defiantly one of hope. Sin is punished and the punishment goes to the one who committed the sin. The tree people in the story show who are responsible but it also shows repentance. At any time, god’s people could turn from their wicked ways and return to God. God is a God of mercy. He does not enjoy the punishments of the wicked. His hope is that all would turn to him.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 254 (Monday) - Ezekiel 13:1-16:43

What kind of wood are we? Chapter 15 is short but it is a powerful parable. If it wasn’t for the fruit, a grape vine would have no value except to burn. God wants our lives to have fruit. Following Christ should change the way we do life and that should bring fruit. If we have no fruit, we might as well burn up.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 253 (Sunday) - Ezekiel 9-12

Don’t be afraid of the Men in Black; be afraid of the men in white with pencils! What a wild story. Every person who does not think that the sin is detestable was marked on the forehead and killed, women and children alike. God seriously cares about the condition of our hearts. It’s not about what we say or what we do as much as it’s what we are.