Following God’s plan is usually a difficult task. Here Moses makes matters worse by doing the exact things God asks him to do. The people have to gather their own supplies and continue their quota of brick making. They are brutally treated and things are worse as a result of following God than they were before. Even the miracles of plagues don’t seem to get the job done. Why follow this Moses character who talks to a God that just makes matters worse?
If you have followed God for any amount of time, I mean really followed him, you get this story. It is harder to follow God than not. It’s true that God’s ways work out towards his Kingdom values and purpose in the end, but that does not mean roses for those involved. It’s true. Most people think that becoming a Christian means life will be easier, but they ignore Jesus’ words when he says, “Count the cost before becoming my disciple” or “Pick up your cross and follow me”. It’s harder!
I felt the depth of this when Jenny and I were in Egypt last year. We came upon a dig where they uncovered mud bricks that dated back to the time of Moses. I wondered who made that brick and what they must have been feeling and the story of God’s redemption that cost them and God so much. I stood on the other side of the story and could see God’s mercy and grace. But I lose site when I find myself in the trials and oppression of life. Brick making is a part of God’s redemptive story…so you and I need to keep making the bricks!