Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day 175 (Saturday) - Psalms 65:1-68:4

How are you doing with the Psalms? There sure are a lot of them. Aside from mentioning that he played the harp, you would not have guessed that he was such a prolific song writer and worship leader. Something tells me that these aren’t all of his songs; these are probably just his top 150. Each one tells a story or can be attached to a historical event that you’ve already read about.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Day 174 (Friday) - Psalms 61-64

I love this song from Aaron Keyes. I'd like to think this is what this Psalm sounded like in david's day. Instead of downloading it here, I've put a link to a YouTube video.

Click Here

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day 173 (Thursday) - Psalms 57:4-60:12

Notice the introduction to Psalm 60. It says that it’s useful for teaching. The word teaching is miktam in the Hebrew. A miktam is either something made of gold, or a special teaching or something hidden. I’m sure there is something to learn or be taught in this psalm, but many Bible scholars think that there is a story hidden in Psalm 60. Feel free to do some research ion this one, it’s very fascinating!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day 172 (Wednesday) - Psalms 55:1-57:3

David sure does have some strong prayers for his enemies.
Psalm 55:15 Let death stalk my enemies; let the grave swallow them alive
Psalm 58:6 Break off their fangs, O God! Smash the jaws of these lions, O Lord!
Psalm 58:8 May they be like snails that dissolve into slime, like a stillborn child who will never see the sun.

It doesn’t have the ring of “love your enemies”. Do you think David is right in these prayers or has something changed in the area of how we are to treat our enemies?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Day 171 (Tuesday) - Psalms 51:10-54:7

Psalm 51 has always had a special place in me. I can still remember listening to Keith Green sing this Psalm. I found a recording of Keith and thought I’d offer it to you today. It sure sounds dated, but the message is great.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Day 170 (Monday) - Psalms 49:1-51:9

There is one truth in the world that no one can deny…everyone will die and you can’t take it with you. The Egyptians thought they could, but when we open their tombs, we discovered they were wrong. The end of Psalm 49 should have been on this man’s reading list:

90-year-old Lonnie Holloway loved his 1973 Pontiac Catalina and his guns, so much so that he took them to the grave.

Holloway died on September 3rd, and his burial wishes were well known in the Texas town of Saluda. After a service at Rock Hill Baptist Church, in Saluda, hundreds of onlookers watched a wrecker lower the ‘73 Catalina into Holloway’s final resting place. Family and friends weren’t surprised in the least by the man’s unusual interment plans, describing him as “a stylin’ and profilin’ type guy.”

And then there’s the guns. Holloway took his arsenal to the grave, but not for any zombie apocalypse reasons. Friends of the dead man hooked him up right and proper:
Friends placed all of his guns in the trunk of the car. They tell News19 that he didn’t want them to get into the wrong hands, so he wanted to take them with him.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day 169 (Sunday) - Psalms 45:13-48:14

Most people know Psalm 46:10 or have at least heard it, “Be still and know that I am God”. It is interesting that it is used in such peaceful settings as if you can hear the babbling brook or the Whippoorwills in the field. But when you read this Psalm, you get a very different impression. Here, God is causing total chaos in the earth, both naturally and nationally and the sentence has an exclamation on it. It does not mean be quiet and peaceful but to stop your crazy effort and realize that God is God of all. It is more of a fear and trembling than the tranquil way it’s usually portrayed.