Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 245 (Saturday) – Jeremiah 37:1-41:10

It doesn’t get any easier for Jeremiah does it? The poor guy is so despised that they decide he must be killed to keep him for speaking his prophecies and lowering the moral of the people. They put him in the bottom of a well and leave him there to die. It’s not much hope when he is rescued just to go back into the prison he came from.

I find that many people try to shut out God’s voice in their life when they are living in a way they know displeases him. Instead of changing their life, they try to shut off their compass of right and wrong. It’s like the person who’s having and affair and goes to the doctor for depression. It’s not drugs you need…it’s fidelity!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 244 (Friday) - Jeremiah 34-36

The Recabites are an interesting group of people. They maintained a nomadic order for over 200 years in obedience to what their ancestor, Jehonadab had commanded. As a result they were looked upon favorable. The nomadic lifestyle allowed them to rely on God more and lessened the temptations that came with infrastructure. Think about it, it would take great faith to step out and trust God for you food that day and every other need you have.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 243 (Thursday) - Jeremiah 31:21-33:26

The buying of the land is a curious thing. Even though the land would be taken by the Babylonians, the jar will contain the deed waiting the day when the people will return to the land…when they do, the jar will be a testimony of God’s promise to bring the people back. We don’t know if 17 shekels were a fair price but it amounted to 1 1/2 years of a wage.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 242 (Wednesday) - Jeremiah 28:1-31:20

Do you think you could do the work God had for Jeremiah? He is always in danger and God asks him to do some things that were just weird! From hair cutting to not allowing him to marry to smashing that pot to now wearing an Ox Yoke to prophecy the control of everything by Babylon. I’m not sure I could do it!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 241 (Tuesday) - Jeremiah 25-27

Have you noticed how much imagery God uses in this book and to the prophet Jeremiah? The cup of the Lord’s anger is a powerful image. The foreigners will punish the people but then God will have them drink of his anger and he will punish them. God is all powerful. We cannot like that and fight against it but it will be in vain…God is God.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 240 (Monday) - Jeremiah 21-24

What kind of fig are you? I find it amazing that no matter how bad off the people are in their relationship with God, he always keeps a door open for those that want to return to him. It’s never too late to change your way and turn to God.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 239 (Sunday) - Jeremiah 16:10-20:18

Well, the people are finally tired of hearing the prophecies of Jeremiah. They have decided that they have enough prophets and priests already and these other ones don’t continue to let the air out of their sails. Do you ever worry that people will get tired of hearing about God and morality and they will call their “hit men” like Pashhur to put an end to it? It could be a reality. The ways of God are offensive to those who want to mock and disobey God.