Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day 210 (Saturday) - Proverbs 11:12-13:25

13:24 is the famous spanking verse. Corporal punishment! What do you think? Should you spare the rod and administer time outs or is there a place for the rod in a 2010 society? This is a heated debate among Christians and the culture at large. How do you interpret the verse? Maybe the rod is metaphorical or includes any form of correction. It’s a great discussion maker and everyone has an opinion!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 209 (Friday) - Proverbs 8:12-11:11

Chapter 10 is the “shut your mouth” chapter. We are urged to not run our mouths. Do you know people who just like to hear themselves talk? There is something to be said (no pun intended) for those that say less and mean more when they do speak. I find it difficult to pick up on the main points when someone says too much.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 208 (Thursday) - Proverbs 5:15-8:11

I find Solomon’s use of Wisdom being personified as a gracious woman and folly portrayed as a prostitute. I’m not sure if Solomon is meaning sexual purity here or if he is speaking more to morality, but the words in chapter six are true. One might be willing to forgive a man for stealing bread because he is hungry, but if one steals a man’s wife, he will receive the vengeance of her husband!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 207 (Wednesday) - Proverbs 2:10-5:14

The first nine chapters of Proverbs were written by Solomon. Solomon asked for wisdom and God granted him great wisdom so it seems obvious that we should do all we can to glean the wisdom he recorded for us to benefit from. Here is a simple reduction of some of the proverbs we read today: (these are the things that make us wise)

3:1-12 – Solomon exhorts us to trust and honor God
3:13-18 – Wisdom has great value
3:19-26 – Wisdom has infinite power
3:27-35 – Be kind to others
4:1-9 – Family instruction is very valuable
4:10-19 – Warning about keeping bad company
4:20-27 – Watch your step!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 206 (Tuesday) - Psalms 148:7-150:6; Proverbs 1:1-2:9

As we close the book of Psalms we open the book of wisdom, Proverbs. A proverb is a simple and concrete saying that is popularly known by the culture and often repeated. Proverbs expresses a truth, based on common sense or the practical experience of humanity. An example of a commonly known proverb is “Pride comes before the fall”, of course, that proverb comes from the great book of Proverbs 16:18. These proverbs were written by King Solomon, but not all of them. Some were written by Agur, Lemuel and many anonymous sages.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 205 (Monday) - Psalms 145:8-148:6

Notice the first line of these next Psalms…Praise the Lord! We have come a long way in our reading through the bible. We have seen a lot of pain, disobedience and suffering. God has remained faithful to his people and that is a miracle in itself. The Psalms have struggles with the same issues but have relied on this faithfulness that God promises to those that trust and follow him. God is good and we can praise the Lord!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 204 (Sunday) - Psalms 141:1-145:7

Psalm 145 by Shane and Shane. The video is of one of thier concerts.