Have you ever been to camp as a kid? I remember those days fondly. I would go to camp and hear challenges to the way I was living, the things I was doing and the things I was saying. I would feel so close to God at those moments and I would rededicate my life to him. On the way home, I made many promises to God. I felt willing to change everything. I have come to know this as the “mountain top” experience.
Solomon and the people are having one of these moments. They have built the Temple in all its grandeur and are promising to obey God every step of the way, from this point forward.
Well, I have to admit that for the most part, my deep devotion to God was short lived. Within a week or two, I was back to my old ways. I wanted my faith to be sustained by emotion, but feelings are fleeting. I lacked the determined decision of choosing God and expected the easy feelings of devotion to carry me through. I wonder what will happen for Solomon and the people? Will they persevere through the emotion or will time erode their dedication?
Why are we like this? At least I know I'm not the only one - but that's really no comfort.