How ridiculous is this! Solomon has a hard time staying away from the women because he loves them so much. He decides it’s a good idea to marry many (700) foreign wives. As a result, these women are not worshipers of God but of other gods. They pressure Solomon to build altars for these gods so they can continue their pagan worship. Not only does wise Solomon build them, but his heart is turned to worship them as well. Now I may not be as wise as Solomon. I may not have been able to figure out the “cut the baby in half” thing, but I am wise enough to know that Solomon is a dope for doing this. Oh how quickly we lose our devotion and commitment to God.
It's a slippery slope sometimes! We need God's word and each other to keep on track (and a willing heart!) because it's so easy to head in the wrong directing - starting with baby steps that don't seem so bad.