Virtue! Virtue! It is about time. After going through, judges, Ruth is like a vacation you long for. A great story, filled with virtuous people and actions. One of the main themes I see in Ruth is that Naomi, Ruth, Boaz and the other male relative, did the right thing because it was the right thing to do. It might not have been easy, but it was the right thing to do. This is a hard way to live life, but I do believe it is the best way. It is hard to do the right thing all the time, especially when no one will know if you have been doing the right thing. The truth is, blessings come when we do the right thing and the Kingdom of God is realized and lived out.
Ruth's story always amazes me. She not only stays with her mother-in-law, leaves the people and land she knows - basically giving herself up for Naomi (she had no idea of how God would provide) but she also obeys her as to what to do with Boaz. That seems pretty risky to me. It has been fun reading Ruth!!