It seems like no one wants the Ark. There seems to be a desire to have the Ark if they can wield its power, but when God’s power is unbridled and does not fit into the selfish plans of the tenants, the Ark is not wanted. Have you noticed a respect theme in the Old Testament? God wants respect and he demands it from his people. Disrespect=death. I wonder what God thinks of our Christian culture; the making of religious junk (trinkets) like fish for our cars, koozies and clever t-shirts for profit and the building of expensive churches for the comfort and enjoyment of the attendees. God is the same God today as he was in 1 Samuel. His character does not change. He is a jealous God and I’m afraid we are giving him much to be jealous of.
In chapter 5, I was amazed that even after the idol, Dagod, was broken and had fallen with its face to the ground before the Ark, they continued to worship Dagon! Even after tumors, plagues, and the God of Israel showing He was more powerful, they continued to worship their lesser, weaker god. The Philistines did everything they could to determine it was not becasue of God these things happened to them - and were shown otherwise, they still went back to their god, Dagon. The people of Isreal seem to always want to do things their way - even when they call on the Lord. I know I am prone to do the sasme thing.