We have to have a serious discussion here. You have probably noticed that men married many different wives in the Old Testament (polygamy). The proper response to this question is to claim that it was a sin and that God’s desire is for marriage to be one man and one woman (monogamy). God’s example to us in the Garden of Eden was monogamy and I believe it is the best way for men and women to marry and live. But…yes, but…every time men like David marry more than one wife, it does not seem to arouse a response from God. Other sins cause people to die, like Uzzah just touching the Ark to keep it from falling. I don’t exactly understand it but it seems like polygamy has some level of acceptability in those days. What do you see?
It does seem that way. It doesn't address it but I wonder if have more wives makes the men more vulnerable to outside influences and sin. Just wondering...also, being sin, it would anyway.