I find it interesting that David tells the community that his son, Solomon, is young and inexperienced until you grasp the financial responsibility of building the temple. I’m not sure how to put this in its proper perspective but when you add up the materials it totals over $174 billion! The Sears Tower only cost $174 million which means you could build 1000 sears towers for the cost of the Temple. It’s a lot of money and requires a lot of responsibility.
I cannot imagine being in charge of such a big project - even wiht all of the help that had been assigned. In chapter 28: 20 & 21 David indicated Solomon might have been overwhelmed too when he tells him not to worry, the Lord is the one who will take care of the work of the temple and it will be finished correctly. I wonder how much pressure that let off of Solomon (or not). It's a good thing for me to remember too when doing what God has asked of me - when it seems overwhelming, I need to trust He will take care of the work getting done (and He always does!) Then David puts it all in perspective with his prayer in chapter 29.