Friday, December 11, 2009

Day 181 (Friday) - Psalms 78:25-72

There are mysteries in the Psalms that we can miss without the help and enlightenment of others. Some have to do with the original Hebrew and others have to do with a poetry structure that can be missed or lost in translation. Psalm 78 is a strange one because the entire Psalm is broken into segments of 11. On top of the 11 structure, there is a mysterious 7 and 77 that show up as well.

Without confusing you, Psalm 78 has 77 verse lines (not our added verses numbers). There are 38 verse lines on one side and 38 verselines on the other. In our text, it is verse 35. Psalm 78 is smack dab in the middle of the 11 Asaph psalms and all the verselines of all the Asaph Psalms center on our verse 35! Verse 35 is the central theme and focal point of all 11 Psalms and if you read it…it is the big idea of all the Psalms…God is their rock and redeemer!

It gets much deeper and interesting than that, but just know that as you read these psalms there are mysteries, many we have only begun to unravel!

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