Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day 267 (Sunday) - Daniel 4:28-7:12

I love the story of King Nebuchadnezzar’s insanity. I can still remember hearing this story in Sunday School when I was about 8 years old. I could picture his arrogance as he looked over his kingdom and then I would picture a metamorphosis (probably inspired by the 1970 hit series “The Hulk”). I could picture his hair growing out and his nails twisting as they slowly extended from his crooked fingers. He starts to hunch over and then there is a bolt of lightning as he finches with that evil “I’m going to take over the world” laugh that every evil villain used on the Justice League.

Do we need God or have we done everything on our own. Do we give him token credit or are we willing to let it all go because we know everything is his and he can replenish our storehouses if he wants to or not?


  1. Even better: Think of the reverse transformation when King Theoden of the Rohan shakes of Wormtongue's curse and becomes himself again. He has the long nails and the cobwebby hair and everything :)
