Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 269 (Tuesday) - Daniel 11:14-12:13; Hosea 1-3

One of the most shocking stories in the Minor Prophets is the story of Hosea. Again and again, God asks his prophets to endure terrible and uncomfortable experiences to illustrate what “we” are doing to God. God starts off asking Hosea to marry a prostitute so that he will experience her cheating on him and bearing children through the act of prostitution. It is in this way we are to see how our actions are similar to God. When we turn against God and turn to materialism, comfort, power or any other god, we are like the prostitute bearing children through that horrible act. Can you imagine that?


  1. Sometime all of it is hard to comprehend. . . How unborn children were born via prostitution just to show us all how bad we'd been. . .Sometime I don't comprehend at all but try not to question it.

  2. It is a strange way for God to communicate to us. There seems to be a reality that we don’t like and don’t fully understand. God’s love for us goes way beyond our trials here on earth. Consider children who are molested and abused or adults who endure rape and human trafficking as well as starvation and famine…none of these things are a result of their own doing. Life here is so brief and there seems to be no limiting for the suffering of anyone no matter how innocent but God’s love is eternal. He promises to be with us during our trial and he promises to bring us home with him for eternity. I don’t fully understand it and I don’t like the reality, but I do trust God. I think questioning gives you a stronger faith so go ahead and question…God can handle it.

  3. Thanks! Your prospective is always educating for me. Have a great day.
