What a great set of verses. Couldn’t God have sprinkled a couple of these stories in last week when we were knee deep in details? Now we have three great stories in one day. In my office I have a replica of Ehud’s dagger. Come check it out. To think it went all the way into King Eglon and got lost is stunning. He must have been seriously fat! The story of Deborah is my favorite Judge story because it is a great example of a woman leading God’s people. It’s hard to make the case that women are not allowed to serve in the church with Deborah in the wings!
I really like Judges 3:31 because it’s so short. Most say that Shamgar is a judge but notice that the text never says that. Being a son of Anath is what drives me to believe that he was a mercenary fighting for Israel or a mercenary for Egypt that benefited the Israelites. Anath is a Canaanite goddess, who was a patron of warriors. He seems more connected to non Israelite groups than a Judge. If he was an Israelite judge…he is a strange one!
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