God sure is patient with Gideon. God allows Gideon to test the angel of the Lord with the sacrificial meal, God lets him build the altar under cover of night, God lets him use the fleece (two times) to test God, and he allows Gideon to hear the dream before he is to attack. God is patient. But God also tested Gideon. I think we are to get the picture that Gideon is not the most courageous man in the field and fighting with 22,000 men is a lot more comforting than 300! God wants to show Gideon that he can trust him and that God is there to fight for him.
I am a Gideon. I want to test God every step of the way and I prefer going into battle with a 22,000:1 ratio. God wants me to remember that he will fight for me and he will be with me if I go where he asks me to go.
I love this story! Too often I'm looking (or asking) for those BIG signs. I prefer megaphones and billboards. I mean if God can do anything then.... {zap}