Chapter 11 gives me the feeling that there are a lot of dead animals falling everywhere. On ovens, grain, pots, I guess they must have had some kind of rodent infestation. The other question that comes to mind is I wonder how they chose who would touch the dead animal. Like the one that fell in the stream, apparently the stream was okay, but who ever touched it was unclean until evening. I tell you what, if I were a kid with chores, I’d volunteer to touch it to get out of my work. Some kid had to figure that out.
I think Sanford and Avera should go with the 33 days in the birthing rooms. Have you eaten at that Bistro?
The worst job of the priests had to be the boil and skin infection examinations. This is disgusting. Looking for white hairs…what is this. Are any of you skilled in this area, does hair turn white around an infection or disease? Or how about yellow hair on the head or chin. Seriously, I don’t get paid enough for this…I mean I love you all but go to the dermatologist. If you come to me, I’ll just quarantine you!
Great pic! I touch and agree on the Sanford bistro- 33 days seems about right.