Of all the things said in the Old Testament, the one I’ve never heard is the one in Exodus 36:6, “Stop giving to the church project, we have more than enough!” (my paraphrase) Now there are two sides to this coin (no pun intended). The first side has to do with our giving. Since this is a blog and those of you reading it are going to be less offended, the truth is that giving is pitiful in the church today. The Church is doing only a small portion of what God desires it to do because the majoritie (not all) of people give out of excess and are more interested in financing their own comfort and lusts. If people gave the way God wants them to, the church could do so much more for the cause of Christ and the Gospel.
But there is another side of the coin. Most churches (not all) waste the gifts and are poor stewards of what they do get. Churches are just as guilty of financing their own comfort (buildings, coffee shops, etc) and lusts. If churches spent money the way God wants them to, the church could do so much more for the cause of Christ and the Gospel. So what kind of giver are you? What kind of Church do you belong to?
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