Most people know that there were actually 13 tribes in Israel, but the 13th tribe, Levites, was not given land, but temple duties. But few know that this 13th tribe was actually broken down into 3 divisions (4 if you include Moses and Aaron). Each division had a specific duty. I love this passage because it reminds me of all the people at Hillcrest that do work behind the scenes. From setting up coffee early Sunday morning to those that vacuum the floors and clean up the smashed Goldfish in the nursery. We have a great group of Levites at Hillcrest!
If you’re at all like me, you didn’t stop at 5:22, you had to read to the end of chapter 5. That was weird to say the least. I am so glad that Jesus has come to redeem us and forgive us and be our priest. I don’t think I could do this stuff or keep a straight face through it. It’s obvious that God takes marital faithfulness very seriously. The water mixed with dust from the Tabernacle floor seems so strange to have the woman drink and the spoken curse, written on the leather and stirred in the drink…all so strange. I think if she were innocent that husband would be in for some serious trouble when he got home!
Yes, I'm guilty of going past vs. 22 in chapter five too. My question is if she is guilty of bting unfaithful, what about the man she slept with.
According to Lev 20:10, he get's put to death!