The Nazirite vow is a cool deal. It was done by men and women and we see it (them) throughout the scriptures. Most Nazirite vows were for a period of time and some were permanent. Some of the more popular people were Samson, Samuel, John the Baptist and the Apostle Paul. It was a choice that a person would make for a period of time (minimum of 30 days). Fasting or lent are some modern day ways of dedicating ourselves to God’s service or reflecting deeper in our faith and relationship with God.
Do you think you could ever be a Nazirite? By the way, there are some false teaching that says that Rasta’s are Nazirites but it’s not true, but it is true that people like John the Baptist would have had dreadlocks!
There were times in my life when I could have been a Nazarite - and it's certainly something to consider - to set ourselves apart for a time (30 days sounds doable). It is amazing to me how anyone would remember all the laws given to them -- 613 you said?
Yes, 613! Not only that, but they memorized this text word for word and passed it on to their children that way. It was very common for people to have these first 5 books memorized by age 12...and we are just trying to read them at age (insert age here)!