It seems that when most people read or teach this passage of Scripture, they focus on the bizarre miracle of the talking donkey that could see the sword wielding angel. This event seems to create a veil that keeps us from seeing what I see as the most shocking part of the story. Balaam knows God, speaks to God, performs curses and blessings fir God but doesn’t even know the Israelites! This is a big hairy deal! God is up to something in this world and we want to box him in and limit where He can and can’t be. We think God can only work one way or another, but it’s not true. God can do anything he wants. He stated that he would bless the nations through Abraham, but God is also doing his own blessings (and curses) in the world.
I wondered how Balaam knew God too. I read ahead through chapter 24...so I'll save my next question for tomorrow (if I remember it). In 23:10 talks about the sheer numbers of Isrealites -- made me wonder if the larger number of Isrealites is correct. It is amazing Balaam recognized who they were - and even seemed to envy them and their relationship with God.