What did Moses and Aaron do? God said to speak to the rock and Aaron and Moses struck the rock. As a result of this, they don’t get to go into the Promised Land. Does this work for you? First of all, how were they going to go in if the people couldn’t go in? Second, how is this such a bad thing? I don’t like this passage but it doesn’t matter. God is God and he does not require my approval of his ways and judgments. Do you have passages or portions of the Bible you wish went differently? I need to remember to trust God, even when it seems unfair or like I’m a victim of some injustice. God’s ways are not my ways, but it’s still tough sometimes to not let those things bug me.
I just finished reading it and felt the same way -- it seems like such a small thing to strike the rock (like maybe he was just frustrated at the people and banged the rock to make a point). I keep thinking, when I get to heaven, maybe I'll have a clear understanding of why God does the things He does - but then, will I really care at that point? So, are we supposed to make sense of this or are we supposed to just accept God is God and fear him or be grateful we were born after Jesus?
ReplyDeleteI also find this passage tough to swallow. Hasn't Moses talked God out of wiping out Israel at least twice by now. Doesn't Moses get a pass for his otherwise stellar life, a get out of jail free card, a do-over? And if he doesn't, I surely don't!
ReplyDeleteI reread this passage and saw something I missed in the first read through. I believe verses 20:10 is the key. For the first time, Moses and Aaron say “we”, “Must WE bring you water from this rock?” I believe the punishment results from Moses and Aaron trying to take the place of God and this is a public sin before the people.
ReplyDeleteI read that section 3 times because I was confused to what Moses had done wrong... Then I finally noticed the WE part and wondered if that is what made God angry. Thanks for clarifying Doug