There is one theme that is getting repeated again and again and that’s to remember what God did and not forget it. The call to tell our children so they will remember what God did is a command from God. Has God done anything in your life? Anything at all? I know he has in mine and this passage reminds me to share my faith. Christianity is one generation from extinction. Who have you told?
Good point - ouch! God has pressed on my heart again to journal -- we can pass down what He has done in our lives when we remember and be encouraged or warned when we remember what He has done in the past. Unfortunately, I'm not much different than the Isrealites when it comes to remembering. Jonathan (my son) was just telling me about a people in Uganda who do not have the concept of 2-dimensions and so cannot recognize even a drawing on paper of something familiar - and this includes the written word. They need to have the gospel, and entire Bible, shared orally to them. We've lost this art of retelling of God's work in our lives.