God always speaks in blessing and curse. There is a balance in his work with the people. If they follow him they are blessed and the blessing is really good. But if the disobey, they will discover curse and the curse is much more than the absence of blessing, it’s exile. I live in blessings and curses. I’m not so naive to think that curses don’t still affect us. I am cursed every time I disobey and choose my way of doing something. But the flip side is better. I experience blessings when I obey. I need to choose blessing more often.
I agree -- I don't have near the blessings God would like to give, but not near the curses I probably deserve. My thought when reading this was "wow, this gives meaning to the 'fear of the Lord' in a powerful way!" I can't imagine having that told to me and not being terribly afraid.