Thursday, December 31, 2009
Day 201 (Thursday) - Psalms 132:1-135:14
It is true, as it says it Psalm 133, that harmony is precious. To have harmony is to be living in the reality of the Kingdom. Christians have a reputation for disharmony. We fight over doctrine, music, programs, money and even the color of carpet. They (the world) is to know we are Christians by our love. I pray for harmony between followers of Christ because our reputation has taken a big hit.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Day 200 (Wednesday) - Psalms 125-131
Psalm 126 is one we sing often. The title is “You Have Done Great Things”.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Day 199 (Tuesday) - Psalms 119:161-124:8
Psalm 120-134 are Pilgrim songs. They were to be sung by Jews that were returning to Jerusalem and by the priests as they walked the steps of the Temple. They are still sung as a regular part of worship in many orthodox denominations. We sing these Psalms in various worship songs like this one; “I Lift My Eyes Up”
Monday, December 28, 2009
Day 198 (Monday) - Psalms 119:97-160
Back on December 13th, I gave a message on the Word of God. The Word is Jesus. In Psalm 199:105 so many people see this passage as talking about the pages of Scripture but it isn’t. The Word is Jesus as it relates to Wisdom and the light is the Law of God. Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s Law and is the one who guides us into this truth.
Psalm 119:105 PDT (Pastor Doug’s Translation)
Jesus is a guide for my journey through life
His example and commands show me the way
Psalm 119:105 PDT (Pastor Doug’s Translation)
Jesus is a guide for my journey through life
His example and commands show me the way
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Day 197 (Sunday) - Psalms 119:41-96
There seems to be some tension between freedom and sin in this psalm. I find it interesting that to cover sin I like to justify it as freedom. I am comfortable to not conform to the teaching of Jesus to care for others if I can justify that I’m no worse off than the rest of my culture. As long as I’m not as bad as others, I’m comfortable to disobey God. I need to cling more to the words in Psalm 119:61 Evil people try to drag me into sin, but I am firmly anchored to your instructions.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Day 196 (Saturday) - Psalms 118:10-119:40
Psalm 119 is an example of the most fully developed form of alphabetic acrostic. Each of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet is represented by an eight-line stanza. All eight lines of each stanza begin with the appropriate sequential letter. This psalm is a didactic meditation on the characteristics and blessings of God’s law. Eight distinct terms for God’s law appear repeatedly throughout the psalm. This may explain the eight-fold repetition of each letter in the psalm.
The purpose of this acrostic and the dozens of other alphabetical acrostics in the Scriptures seems to be there to show the comprehensiveness or completeness of the text and subject matter. With 176 verses, I didn’t need an acrostic to see the fullness of Psalm 119!
The purpose of this acrostic and the dozens of other alphabetical acrostics in the Scriptures seems to be there to show the comprehensiveness or completeness of the text and subject matter. With 176 verses, I didn’t need an acrostic to see the fullness of Psalm 119!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Day 195 (Friday) - Psalms 114:1-118:9
Merry Christmas from me!
Another great worship song comes from Psalm 115 that we sing often as a church. It's another great Chris Tomlin song called "Not To Us"
Another great worship song comes from Psalm 115 that we sing often as a church. It's another great Chris Tomlin song called "Not To Us"
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Day 194 (Thursday) - Psalms 110-113
I have always been interested in the creativity of a good acrostic. An acrostic is a list of words or sentences that form another word when you line up the first letters of each word or line.
A classic example of acrostic poem in English written by Edgar Allan Poe is entitled simply An Acrostic:
Elizabeth it is in vain you say
"Love not" — thou sayest it in so sweet a way:
In vain those words from thee or L.E.L.
Zantippe's talents had enforced so well:
Ah! if that language from thy heart arise,
Breath it less gently forth — and veil thine eyes.
Endymion, recollect, when Luna tried
To cure his love — was cured of all beside —
His follie — pride — and passion — for he died.
In recent news, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger created an obscene acrostic in a veto he wrote. It was highly inappropriate but also highly entertaining.
Psalm 111 and 112 are both acrostics. Each line begins with a successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet. There is not a lot of significance to this but it shows the poetic nature of these psalms. We will cover more on these acrostics when we get to Psalm 119.
A classic example of acrostic poem in English written by Edgar Allan Poe is entitled simply An Acrostic:
Elizabeth it is in vain you say
"Love not" — thou sayest it in so sweet a way:
In vain those words from thee or L.E.L.
Zantippe's talents had enforced so well:
Ah! if that language from thy heart arise,
Breath it less gently forth — and veil thine eyes.
Endymion, recollect, when Luna tried
To cure his love — was cured of all beside —
His follie — pride — and passion — for he died.
In recent news, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger created an obscene acrostic in a veto he wrote. It was highly inappropriate but also highly entertaining.
Psalm 111 and 112 are both acrostics. Each line begins with a successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet. There is not a lot of significance to this but it shows the poetic nature of these psalms. We will cover more on these acrostics when we get to Psalm 119.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Day 193 (Wednesday) - Psalms 107:39-109:31
When I’m going through difficult times as a result of the actions of others, I am reminded of Psalm 109. Believe it or not, there are times that people say unkind things about me. These words can strike me deeply and take the wind right out of my sails. I try to reflect on the criticism to see if there is any validity in their accusations, even when it is done in a way that is not intended to help me become a better person. The sad reality is that there are people who feel the need to talk badly about others in order to feel better about their situation. It is in those moments I need to remember to pray for them.
(2) They surround me with hateful words and fight against me for no reason. (3) I love them, but they try to destroy me with accusations even as I am praying for them!
(2) They surround me with hateful words and fight against me for no reason. (3) I love them, but they try to destroy me with accusations even as I am praying for them!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Day 192 (Tuesday) - Psalms 106:34-107:38
I’m backing up just a bit today because I love the song Forever by Chris Tomlin. It is based off Psalm 106 and since we have some of psalm 106 in our reading today, I wanted to bring you back to verse one. Give thanks to the Lord for he is good! His faithful love endures forever!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Day 191 (Monday) - Psalms 105:25-106:33
Psalm 106:37-39 have a lot of meaning to me. We live in an age of enlightenment and tolerance. Science is trying to help us realize that our children are not human beings until they emerge from the mother through the birth process. I disagree. We live in a society that worships the idols of luxury, comfort, careers and general selfishness. For some women and couples, it requires the sacrifice of their babies to continue to reap the blessing from those gods. It makes me sick. The actions we read about in Psalm 106 are not so far off from what we see today. God have mercy on us!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Day 190 (Sunday) - Psalms 104:5-105:24
This Psalm has been used in some very significant ways throughout church history. In the Easter Orthodox Church, it is read while the priest stands behind the Royal Doors that separates him from the altar. This is because this Psalm is believed to be a Psalm of Adam and spoken while he was on the outside of the gates looking into the Garden of Eden where he was expelled from.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Day 189 (Saturday) - Psalms 102:8-104:4
Here is another video for your listening pleasure. It is from the group Casting Crowns and was inspired by Psalm 103. I hope you enjoy it!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Day 188 (Friday) - Psalms 98:4-102:7

I would like to turn your attention to Psalm 102. It is believed by many to be a prophesy of the Holocaust in WWII. When you read it through that lens, it is very striking. If it is a prophecy, it also predicts Israel becoming a state and the return of Christ in that generation. In other words, all we await now is the return of Christ. I wonder?
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Day 187 (Thursday) - Psalms 94:17-98:3

Here is another great song built upon Psalm 95. It's from the group "Son's of Korah".
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Day 186 (Wednesday) - Psalms 91:14-94:16

Psalm 94 seems like a Psalm not much different than the rest, but the difference with this Psalm is how it has been used by so called Christians to justify their actions when it comes to what they perceive as evil from others.
"Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?" ―Psalm 94:16
From the bombing of abortion clinics to starting religious wars, this verse has been the proof text for many actions that I believe to be an abomination to God. It is important that we remember who is God and whom vengeance belongs too.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Day 185 (Tuesday) - Psalms 89:38-91:13

Psalm 90 deals with the dark side of life, one we don’t like to focus on. Given the choice of Psalm 90 or Psalm 91, we would gladly choose Psalm 91, for its message is one of confidence. This is the other side of the coin. There is also a dark side of life. Just as we find it difficult to look into the brightness of the sun’s rays, we find it equally unpleasant to dwell on the dark side of life. Psalm 90 tells us there is a place for pessimism, a very important lesson to learn.
Notice, as well, that even in its somber thoughts, God is described as Israel’s dwelling place. Psalm 90 is unique in that it is the only psalm attributed to Moses. Conservative scholars accept Moses’ authorship; others do not. They see the Psalm written much later after the era of Moses. I understand it to be written by Moses. As such it makes a unique contribution in what it tells us about Moses himself, something we do not see anywhere else.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Day 184 (Monday) - Psalms 87:1-89:37

Another great song from the Psalms. MercyMe did a song called The Love of God, you may have noticed as you read Psalm 89 that the words are inspired by this great Psalm.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Day 182 (Saturday) - Psalms 79-82

According to the Mishnah (Jewish book), certain psalms were recited on certain days of the week in the Temple and would have been in Jesus’ time:
The following are the Psalms that were chanted in the Temple. On the first day, they used to say, "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and they that dwell therein" (Psalm 24). On the second day, they used to say, "Great is the Lord and highly to be praised, in the city of our God, His Holy mountain" (Psalm 48). On the third day, they used to say, "God standeth in the congregation of God, in the midst of the judges He judgeth" (Psalm 82). On the fourth day, they used to say, "O Lord, Thou God to whom vengeance belongeth, shine forth" (Psalm 94). On the fifth day, they used to say, "Sing aloud unto God our strength, shout aloud to the God of Jacob" (Psalm 81). On the sixth day, they used to say, "A Psalm. A song for the sabbath day (Psalm 92). A Psalm, a song for the time to come, for the day that will be all sabbath and rest for everlasting life."
BTW - Today you are 1/2 way through!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Day 181 (Friday) - Psalms 78:25-72

There are mysteries in the Psalms that we can miss without the help and enlightenment of others. Some have to do with the original Hebrew and others have to do with a poetry structure that can be missed or lost in translation. Psalm 78 is a strange one because the entire Psalm is broken into segments of 11. On top of the 11 structure, there is a mysterious 7 and 77 that show up as well.
Without confusing you, Psalm 78 has 77 verse lines (not our added verses numbers). There are 38 verse lines on one side and 38 verselines on the other. In our text, it is verse 35. Psalm 78 is smack dab in the middle of the 11 Asaph psalms and all the verselines of all the Asaph Psalms center on our verse 35! Verse 35 is the central theme and focal point of all 11 Psalms and if you read it…it is the big idea of all the Psalms…God is their rock and redeemer!
It gets much deeper and interesting than that, but just know that as you read these psalms there are mysteries, many we have only begun to unravel!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Day 180 (Thursday) - Psalms 76:8-78:24

We are in a grouping of Psalms that are attributed to Asaph and not David. There is not a lot we know about Asaph, but here is what I have been able to find out about him.
•He was a Levite, part of the priestly class.
•He was one of the leaders of David's choir (1 Chr. 6:39).
•Psalms 50 and 73-83 inclusive are attributed to him.
•He is mentioned along with David as skilled in music, and a “seer” (2 Chr. 29:30).
•The “sons of Asaph,” mentioned in 1 Chr. 25:1, 2 Chr. 20:14, and Ezra 2:41, were his descendants, or more probably a class of poets or singers who recognized him as their master.
If you do a Google search, you will discover an Asaph Music School an Asaph Music Company and a half a dozen other Asaph related ministries.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Day 179 (Wednesday) - Psalms 73:21-76:7
I think Psalm 73 is just a relevant today as it was 300+ years ago. Asaph was asking the same questions we all ask. Why is it that we believe that being a follower of Christ will make life on earth less of a struggle and full of riches and material blessing? The truth is that those that do not follow God are the ones who have the corner market on pleasure, luxury and wealth. Look at the realities in Asaph’s day and compare it to today.
1.They had great wealth
2.All their needs were met
3.They were physically healthy
4.They could buy their way out of suffering and difficulty
5.they were proud of their accomplishments and abilities and saw that pride as a strength of character
6.They got away with being uncaring and cruel because of their power
7.No lust was ever denied
8.Nothing that builds up others ever comes out of their lips
9.They look to crush others
10.They deny God’s existence
11.They have great power and people listen to them intently
a.Reminds me of the actors today
12.“Look at these wicked people— enjoying a life of ease while their riches multiply.”
What do you think?
1.They had great wealth
2.All their needs were met
3.They were physically healthy
4.They could buy their way out of suffering and difficulty
5.they were proud of their accomplishments and abilities and saw that pride as a strength of character
6.They got away with being uncaring and cruel because of their power
7.No lust was ever denied
8.Nothing that builds up others ever comes out of their lips
9.They look to crush others
10.They deny God’s existence
11.They have great power and people listen to them intently
a.Reminds me of the actors today
12.“Look at these wicked people— enjoying a life of ease while their riches multiply.”
What do you think?
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Day 178 (Tuesday) - Psalms 71:17-73:20

Psalm 73 is my favorite Psalm, for a few reasons. First off, it was the subject of my first message I ever preached. I was so nervous. I had been teaching youth for years and spoken at youth gatherings of over 500 students, but this was the first time I preached in “big church”. Secondly, my Grandmother who I loved dearly and was a big part of my faith journey flew from California to Sioux Falls just to hear it. It was the worst sermon ever! Last year on January, 8 2008, I preached it again. I felt I needed to reconnect with the beginning. Though my Grandmother has passed on, it felt good to know that she was there for my first message and would be proud of my growth over the years. I hope you enjoy Psalm 73 as much as I do.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Day 177 (Monday) - Psalms 69:5-71:16

Take a look at the middle of psalm 69. David has a harsh request and one might even say a curse for his enemies in verses 22-28. Jesus said to love our enemies and Paul said we are to feed them when they are hungry? What then are we to make of these many examples of David wishing such harm on these people? There is a truth about God that is much harder to understand than it seems on a first look. God hates sin but loves the sinner. There is a distinction n and difference between sin and the person. God loves all and wishes that none would perish, but he will not tolerate sin. In other words, I should hate the atrocities of Hitler, but I should still mourn the loss of God’s plan in his life and soul for eternity. It is a difficult balancing act and requires a heart that is closely connected with God’s heart.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Day 176 (Sunday) - Psalms 68:5-69:4

Do you ever feel like the first 4 verses in chapter 69? I know I do. Maybe if my faith were stronger or if I sinned less I would not feel this way. I have a hard time trusting God at times. I like to know the outcome before I jump, but God never promises that we will get to see how far the drop is before we are asked to step over the edge. There is something exhilarating to have no control and have to trust in God. But as much as I love the feel, I don’t like repeating it as often as I should. I need to remember that I’m never alone…God is always jumping tandem with me.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Day 175 (Saturday) - Psalms 65:1-68:4

How are you doing with the Psalms? There sure are a lot of them. Aside from mentioning that he played the harp, you would not have guessed that he was such a prolific song writer and worship leader. Something tells me that these aren’t all of his songs; these are probably just his top 150. Each one tells a story or can be attached to a historical event that you’ve already read about.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Day 174 (Friday) - Psalms 61-64
I love this song from Aaron Keyes. I'd like to think this is what this Psalm sounded like in david's day. Instead of downloading it here, I've put a link to a YouTube video.
Click Here
Click Here
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Day 173 (Thursday) - Psalms 57:4-60:12

Notice the introduction to Psalm 60. It says that it’s useful for teaching. The word teaching is miktam in the Hebrew. A miktam is either something made of gold, or a special teaching or something hidden. I’m sure there is something to learn or be taught in this psalm, but many Bible scholars think that there is a story hidden in Psalm 60. Feel free to do some research ion this one, it’s very fascinating!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Day 172 (Wednesday) - Psalms 55:1-57:3

David sure does have some strong prayers for his enemies.
Psalm 55:15 Let death stalk my enemies; let the grave swallow them alive
Psalm 58:6 Break off their fangs, O God! Smash the jaws of these lions, O Lord!
Psalm 58:8 May they be like snails that dissolve into slime, like a stillborn child who will never see the sun.
It doesn’t have the ring of “love your enemies”. Do you think David is right in these prayers or has something changed in the area of how we are to treat our enemies?
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Day 171 (Tuesday) - Psalms 51:10-54:7
Psalm 51 has always had a special place in me. I can still remember listening to Keith Green sing this Psalm. I found a recording of Keith and thought I’d offer it to you today. It sure sounds dated, but the message is great.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Day 170 (Monday) - Psalms 49:1-51:9

There is one truth in the world that no one can deny…everyone will die and you can’t take it with you. The Egyptians thought they could, but when we open their tombs, we discovered they were wrong. The end of Psalm 49 should have been on this man’s reading list:
90-year-old Lonnie Holloway loved his 1973 Pontiac Catalina and his guns, so much so that he took them to the grave.
Holloway died on September 3rd, and his burial wishes were well known in the Texas town of Saluda. After a service at Rock Hill Baptist Church, in Saluda, hundreds of onlookers watched a wrecker lower the ‘73 Catalina into Holloway’s final resting place. Family and friends weren’t surprised in the least by the man’s unusual interment plans, describing him as “a stylin’ and profilin’ type guy.”
And then there’s the guns. Holloway took his arsenal to the grave, but not for any zombie apocalypse reasons. Friends of the dead man hooked him up right and proper:
Friends placed all of his guns in the trunk of the car. They tell News19 that he didn’t want them to get into the wrong hands, so he wanted to take them with him.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Day 169 (Sunday) - Psalms 45:13-48:14

Most people know Psalm 46:10 or have at least heard it, “Be still and know that I am God”. It is interesting that it is used in such peaceful settings as if you can hear the babbling brook or the Whippoorwills in the field. But when you read this Psalm, you get a very different impression. Here, God is causing total chaos in the earth, both naturally and nationally and the sentence has an exclamation on it. It does not mean be quiet and peaceful but to stop your crazy effort and realize that God is God of all. It is more of a fear and trembling than the tranquil way it’s usually portrayed.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Day 168 (Saturday) - Psalms 43:1-45:12

Psalm 44 has a stark contrast that seems to be in reverse order. As you start the Psalm, it seems to be praising God for how good he is to the people, but right after the interlude starting in verse 9, it changes to a lament that God has forgotten them and abandoned them. If you were using this in a worship service, you could never have this as the closing song.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Day 167 (Friday) - Psalms 40-42
During our walk through the Psalms, I will add some videos and music of our day that are based off of these Psalms. I find it amazing how much these Psalms have make thier way into both Church and non-church music. This one is from the band U2 and the song is "40". "40", also known as "40 (How Long)", is the tenth and final track from U2's 1983 album, War. The song is noted for its live performances, often involving the audience singing along for minutes after the band has left the stage. The lyrics are a modification of the Bible's Psalm 40. The first verse of the song is based on Psalm 40:1-2, and second verse of the song is based on Psalm 40:2-3. The chorus is loosely based on the first two verses of Psalm 40:3, which reads "He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God..."
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Day 166 (Thursday) - Psalms 37:27-39:13

What in the world has happened to David and why is he singing about it? In chapter 38, his wounds fester and stink because of his sins. It makes you wonder what kind of sins cause this issue. He is bent over in pain and has a raging fever. When I think of the one sin that David is most known for and the request he had in his death bed, you wonder if this was not some form of VD. That may seem sacrilegious to you, but David had his issues and he is suffering in those sins.
by the way...Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Day 165 (Wednesday) - Psalms 35:22-37:26

What! David must be blind or a liar! 37:25 says that he has never seen the godly abandoned or their children begging for bread. This is great news. Solve world hunger by believing in God, and then all those children won’t starve for bread! AARRRGGGG! Even as I write this tongue and cheek, I am acutely aware that I can feed those children if I would just sponsor one more child. But $30 is too much for me to give. I need my cable TV, my latte and the latest iPod. Children will just have to die while I feed my lust.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Day 164 (Tuesday) - Psalms 33:6-35:21

Psalm 33 is one of those Psalms that reminds us of God’s transcendence and omnipotence. He is over us. He is otherworldly. He is incomprehensible. He is God and we are not. I can get so wrapped up in my own life and the things I have going on that I forget that I am not a creator of anything. All I have comes from God and anything I can do is because of him. I’m like the windup toy that forgets it needs the winder if it is ever going to accomplish anything.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Day 163 (Monday) - Psalms 31:6-33:5

Psalm 32 is a great Psalm of God’s grace and forgiveness as well as a testimony of David’s repentance. I love the line, “Let all the godly pray to you while there is still time.” God is good and I desperately want to have a heart that beats like his does. I need forgiveness and I need to admit my own sins to come to that place of repentance. I’m reminded of the song that says “What can wash away my sin, nothing but the blood of Jesus.” Thank you Jesus for loving us.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Day 162 (Sunday) - Psalms 27:7-31:5
I have restrained myself quite a few times during our read through the bible but today I have to address something that is one of my favorite curiosities in the Old Testament. Did you know there were unicorns? Seriously, they are mentioned many times throughout the scriptures. Our modern translations have edited them out in favor of wild ox like in Psalm 29:6 but pull out your trusty KJV and you will see unicorn.
Numbers 23:22
he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn
Numbers 24:8
he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn
Job 39:9
Will the unicorn be willing to serve thee
Psalm 29:6
like a young unicorn
Psalm 92:10
But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn
Deut. 33:17
and his horns are like the horns of unicorns
Psalm 22:21
for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns
Isaiah 34:7
And the unicorns shall come down with them
This is a translation error that went so deep, artist of that day painted and drew them into their artwork because it was believed to be a Biblical truth. Dpo you see the unicorns in the loading of the ark picture above?
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Day 161 (Saturday) - Psalms 24:7-27:6

David begs God not to abandon him. “Do not be angry with me” and “Don’t turn your back on me in my time of need” are common phrases that David uses to ensure that God will be there for him. We have an assurance that David never had, we are on the back side of the redemptive initiation and have secured God’s promise that he will never leave us or abandon us. Though this is good, I wonder what our faith would be like without this assurance?
Friday, November 20, 2009
Day 160 (Friday) - Psalms 22:1-24:6

Psalm 22 is probably one of the best known Psalms for any reader of the New Testament because of its Passion prophecies. Of the 13 major Old Testament texts that are quoted in the 4 Gospels, 9 of them come from the Psalms and 5 of those 9 from Psalm 22. I think the best known is “Eloi, eloi, lama sabachthani.”
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Day 159 (Thursday) - Psalms 18:37-21:13
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Day 158 (Wednesday) - Psalms 17:6-18:36

I think 18:25-27 are some very powerful verses. God is described as revealing himself to people in the way they reveal themselves. God is a God of love, but in love there is justice and without justice, there can be no real love. The Pharaoh was wicked and God treated him harshly. Nebuchadnezzar was proud and God humbled him. I need to remember this when I think God is treating me unfairly. There are some words to a song I listen to that says, “Just maybe, God responds to you the way you respond to him.”
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Day 157 (Tuesday) - Psalms 11:1-17:5

Right off the bat in our reading today, we come across 11:5 where God says he hates. Hate is a tough emotion. I tell my kids not to say hate, as if it’s a bad word, but I find myself using it in the most casual settings where the intensity of that word is not needed or intended. The dictionary defines it as: to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest. I’ll be honest in telling you that I don’t like thinking of God hating, but I am mature enough to know and understand that he does. Negativity is never a great motivator, but knowing that God does hate encourages me in my behavior.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Day 156 (Monday) - Psalms 9-10

One of the things I love about this book is the additional instructions that are included and are not a part of the text. The Psalms are a Hymn book. They communicate everything from what type of instruments should be used, what tune they should be sung to, where the interludes are and what volume they are to be played at. I so wish there were written music to actually hear them the way they were intended, but we must also remember that they were written for the most part in Hebrew so we miss out on some of the word play and poetry that would have been there in the original language.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Day 155 (Sunday) - Psalms 5:8-8:9

The majority of the Psalms are written by David. It is an interesting look onto the heart of the king and to see the emotions that were there in some of the stories and battles in his life. The narrative comes across very dry and we see David as very confident and capable, but as you can already see, he questions himself and if God is really on his side. His pleading is powerful and shows his humility. David get God and knows he must act in accordance to his will if he is to benefit from God’s power on his behalf.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Day 154 (Saturday) - Job 42:10-17; Psalms 1:1-5:7

What did Job learn? He learned that God is God and trying to speak into his mysteries is foolish work. Humility marks the second half of his life and God blesses him through it. Following God or sacrificing for him does not always end with you receiving everything back again, but blessings will always be there. I need to trust God because of who he is and not only on what I can understand.
The Psalms are going to be a similar discipline. We will see despair, frustration and God’s active work in the midst of it all.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Day 153 (Friday) - Job 39:13-42:9

What happened to all of Job’s words? After the lecture he gets all he responds with are two short verses and his response is that he should not have spoken and will not say any more. I think Job got the message. But as any good parent will do, God continues the lecture to make sure Job really does get it.
There is an interesting reference to some giant and powerful animals in chapter 41 verses 1 and 15. Some see these as dinosaurs and others see this as God borrowing the belief in mythological creature to communicate his power over all. Your guess is as good as any…what do you think?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Day 152 (Thursday) - Job 36:1-39:12

Chapter 38 takes us a bit by surprise. In the book of Job, we get caught up in the speeches. We evaluate what this friend said and that friend said. We weight the validity of the claims and we feel like the whole process is coming to a logical conclusion. Then God jumps in and interjects his power. It startles us and brings us back to the stark reality that God is God and he is over all of this. He is not bound by what we think, say or feel. The speech of God is like the coffee after a stupor, it brings clarity and a new foundation to build on. The ways of man are not the ways of God, even if we do not understand.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Day 151 (Wednesday) - Job 32:11-35:16

Elihu is a powerful speaker. You don’t know whether to cheer him on or question his intentions. The advice seems sound but he is insistent that job must have done something to warrant God’s actions. He claims that Job is arrogant against God. I can remember a time when Jenny (my wife) was dealing with an illness. A friend of ours forced her into a healing experience as he said it was the only way she would be healed. Neither Jenny nor I felt very good about this offer but didn’t want to be seen as people of little faith. After the laying on of hands and prayer, he asked her if she were healed. When she said no, he told her it must be because of unconfessed sin. His prayer would have worked if she were not such a sinner. Wow!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Day 150 (Tuesday) - Job 29:14-32:10

It has been said by many bible teacher that Jesus taught a new and deeper theology about sin than what was originally taught in the Old Testament when he preached the Sermon on the Mount. The idea that lust = adultery and hate = murder are not new to Jesus’ teaching. Job had the same understanding and communicates it many times throughout this book and especially in chapter 31. Just because the teachers of religious law (Pharisees) taught differently, does not make it right. Jesus was pointing to the same truth Job knew thousands of years earlier with not one word of Scripture available to him.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Day 149 (Monday) - Job 24:13-29:13

Remembering things gives us a context for the present and the future. It has been said that you cannot properly see the future if you have a poor understanding of the past. Job is no different. He remembers his former life, a life he remembers as blessing. The problem with our remembering is that we remember different things built upon perception and not reality. Blessing never comes through a life without trial. A life of ease is a life that never needs God. America is Job’s former life. We live in great comfort, never needing God for anything. Why do we need heaven when we can just go and buy it at Best Buy? I wonder what we will remember when we look back on our lives of ease when the trials come our way…are they already here?
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Day 148 (Sunday) - Job 20:12-24:12

The question of why those that do evil seem to prosper is obviously an age old question as Job addresses it in his eight speech. Psalm 73 is one of my favorite Psalms and addresses the same question. As we said a few days ago, your theological perspective on suffering and this temporary life will help answer the question. It is true that people who oppose God and go after the lusts of this world will have an easier life filled with more temporal pleasures that those that follow in Christ’s steps. The time will come when both will receive their just reward. We should not worry about the sufferings of the day or the ease of the wicked for our redeemer lives.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Day 147 (Saturday) - Job 16:11-20:11

Chapter 19 is a beautiful chapter because it states the Gospel in its purest form. Remembering that this is the oldest biblical text makes this even more amazing. Job knows that his Redeemer lives and that the day will come when he will be resurrected in a physical body to join God. Even though he may die today, he will live in bodily form with his Redeemer. Job gets that there is something much greater and meaningful than our lives and bodies here on earth. The resurrection is a real event.
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